Punctuation Marks
Practice yourself in little things, and thence proceed to greater. - Epictetus
Punctuation marks are symbols that are used in sentences and texts to make the meaning clearer.
Basic English Punctuation Marks
Brackets ( ) [ ] { } < >
Brackets are used in pairs. They separate meaningful elements in texts and sentences. We usually distinguish four types of brackets: 1. Round Brackets ( ) Synonyms: brackets, oval brackets, curved brackets, parentheses, parens, fingernails. 2. Square Brackets [ ] Synonym: box brackets. 3. Curly Brackets { } Synonym: braces. 4. Angle Brackets < > Synonym: chevrons.
Dashes - – — ~
Four types: 1. Hyphen - Hyphens join words and parts of words. 2. En dash (half the width of the em dash ) – En dashes join words and parts of words. 3. Em dash — Em dashes separate parts of sentences. 4. Swung dash ~ Swung dashes separate inexact or inaccurate quantities, approximates, and alternatives.
Ellipsis ...
Ellipses indicate pauses, omission of words and unfinished thoughts.
Semicolon ;
Semicolons separate similar sentences and groups of words.
Slash /
Slashes separate similar words and phrases; extensively used in computing and mathematics. Synonyms: stroke, virgule, scratch comma, forward slash, slant bar, slant, oblique dash, diagonal, solidus, separatrix.
Question Mark ?
Synonyms: question point, interrogation point, note of interrogation, query, eroteme.
Exclamation Mark !
Exclamation marks express strong emotions.
Full Stop .
Synonyms: stop, period, full point, decimal point and dot.
Colon :
Colons are used between numbers and after words that give examples or explanations.
Comma ,
Commas separate ideas; they are also used in many other cases.
Quotation Marks ‘ ’, “ ”
Quotation marks are basically used to begin and to end quotations.
Apostrophe ’
Apostrophe indicates possessive case, omission of letters, the plurals of numbers, and abbreviations; it also separates letters from words.
Complete information about English punctuation is available in a number of web sources, grammar textbooks and manuals. You will find useful and reliable information about punctuation, if you click HERE...