F1 students with a total final score 35-49% and those who were unable to take final exams due to valid reason, are allowed to take Supplementary Exams.
F1 students with total final score 34% or lower are not allowed to take Supplementary Exams; they must repeat the whole F1 semester (attend classes - all F1 modules).
F1 whose final score is 34% or lower are not allowed to enter F2 under any conditions.
F1 whose final score is 35-49% (if they satisfied attendance % requirements) can enter F2 as ‘On Probation’ on condition that they sign an agreement (Letter of Undertaking) to fulfill all the requirements of F2, to attend additional courses and to perform additional tasks, if requested.
Pass mark for all F2 students is the total final score 50% or above. Foundation Program Certificate is issued if the final Pass Mark is 50% or higher.
F2 students with final score 49 or lower, and those who did not take Final Exams due to illness or any other valid reason, are allowed to take Supplementary Exams.
Summer Remedial Courses can be offered to those students who either failed F2 or were unable to attend F2 final exams due to a valid reason. Those students who satisfied the requirements of the Summer Remedial Courses and passed final exams successfully are issued Foundation Program Certificates. Summer Remedial Courses are only for those students who attended F2 and did not meet F2 requirements, but not for those who successfully completed F1.
F2 Summer Remedial exams and F2 Spring Semester Supplementary exams are arranged at the same time (usually at the end of August).
F 1 and 2 Fall Semester Supplementary exams can be allowed in no less than two weeks’ time after the Final Examinations are finished. More time for preparation is recommended.
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