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With so much information now online, it is exceptionally easy to simply dive in and drown. - Alfred Glossbrenner
Journals are serious peer-reviewed publications which focus on specific research areas.
ESL Journals
TESOL Quarterly TESOL Quarterly is an international refereed professional journal. It invites manuscripts on a wide range of topics, especially in the following areas: testing and evaluation, issues in research and research methodology, instructional methods, materials, and techniques, professional preparation, curriculum design and development, psychology and sociology of language learning and teaching, language planning and professional standards. Learn more...
TESL-EJ Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL-EJ) is a refereed electronic ESL / EFL and Applied Linguistics journal. It is a dynamic and reliable source of research and information in English as a Second or ForeignLanguage...
The Internet TESL Journal The Internet TESL Journal for Teachers of English as a Second Language contains articles, research papers, lessons plans, classroom handouts, teaching ideas and usefullinks...
ESP World ESP World (English for Specific Purposes World) is a free web-based peer reviewed journal for ESP teachers, teacher trainers andresearchers...
The Journal of English for Academic Purposes The Journal of English for Academic Purposes provides a forum for the dissemination of information and views which enables practitioners of and researchers in EAP to keep current with developments in their field and to contribute to its continued updating. A wide range of topics are covered: classroom language, teaching methodology, teacher education, assessment of language, needs analysis; materials development and evaluation, discourse analysis, acquisition studies in EAP contexts, research writing and speaking at all academic levels, the sociopolitics of English in academic uses and languageplanning...
The Asian English for Specific Purposes Journal The Asian English for Specific Purposes Journal is a peer reviewed online journal which studies the structure and development of English across the globe, and in particular, its relationship to the special purposes of English. The journal invites works in the area of ESP material preparation, teaching and testing techniques, language learning within the ESP context, and teaching of ESP within the culture of the learningzone...
Journal of English Linguistics Journal of English Linguistics is devoted to synchronic and diachronic studies of the English language in many differentareas...
The Asian EFL Journal The Asian EFL Journal is a second language acquisition monthly research journal which presents information, theories, research, methods and materials related to language acquisition and languagelearning...
Working Papers in TESOL & Applied Linguistics Working Papers in TESOL & Applied Linguistics is a biannual journal which publishes research in the following areas of TESOL and applied linguistics: second language acquisition, second language assessment, sociolinguistics, pragmatics, discourse analysis, second language instruction, second language teacher education and reviews ofbooks...
ELT Journal ELT Journal is a quarterly publication for all those involved in the field of teaching English as a second or foreign language. It seeks to bridge the gap between the everyday practical concerns of ELT professionals and related disciplines such as education, linguistics, psychology, and sociology that may offer significant insights. Abstracts are free. Subscription is required to get access tofull articles.
Language Teaching Research Language Teaching Research supports and develops research within the area of second or foreign language teaching and covers the following topics: material design, methodology, programme, syllabus and language forspecific purposes.
English Teaching Professional English Teaching Professional is a practical magazine for ESL teachers with ideas, reviews of books, resources and teachingtips...
Kairos Kairos is a refereed online journal exploring the intersections of rhetoric, technology and pedagogy. Web texts include scholarly examinations of large-scale issues related to special topics, individual and collaborative reviews of books, news andannouncements...
The Teacher Trainer The Teacher Trainer is a practical journal for those involved in modern language, especially TESOL and teacher training. The journal comes out three times a year and makes use of a variety of formats - articles, letters, comments, quotations, interviews, cartoons andspoofs...
Novitas-ROYAL Novitas-ROYAL (Research on Youth and Language) is an open access, biannual international refereed journal devoted to research and critical discussion about all aspects of learning and teaching of foreign languages. The primary aim of the journal is to discover how foreign languages, cultures, and literatures have the potential to change the lives of students. The journal does not have a printversion...
Applied Linguistics Applied Linguistics publishes research into language with relevance to real world problems. It promotes principled and multidisciplinary approaches to research on language-related concerns in the various fields encompassed byapplied linguistics...
Word Origins Word Origins is a monthly electronic newsletter devoted to etymology. In addition to etymology, it covers slang, writing style, puns, book reviews and other topics of language and linguistics for thelayperson...
Academic Exchange Quarterly Academic Exchange Quarterly is an independent double-blind peer-reviewed journal, published four times a year both in print andelectronically...
The Canadian Modern Language Review The Canadian Modern Language Review (CMLR) / La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes (RCLV) serves members of the teaching profession, administrators and researchers interested in all levels of English and French as second languages and, in addition, those interested in native and other modern, international, or heritage language programs and issues. To learn more, click HERE...
Applied Psycholinguistics Applied Psycholinguistics publishes original research papers on the psychological processes involved in language. It examines language development, use and disorders in adults and children with a particular emphasis on cross-language studies. The journal gathers together the best work from a variety of disciplines including linguistics, psychology, reading, education, language learning, speech and hearing, andneurology...
Hispania Hispania, the official journal of the AATSP, features articles on literature and language, book reviews, theoretical and applied linguistics, professional and Hispanic/Luso-Brazilian World news, media and computers, along with AATSP official announcements, andadvertisements...
APPLES - Applied Language Studies APPLES - Applied Language Studies is an international, refereed electronic journal in applied language studies and includes articles in theory and methodology in applied linguistics, mother-tongue and second/foreign language learning and teaching, language testing and evaluation, language policy and planning, language in social life, and appliedsemiotics...
Language Acquisition Language Acquisition: A Journal of Developmental Linguistics is an American peer-reviewed journal in psycholinguistics that has been published quarterly by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates since 1990. It is mainly devoted to studies of language acquisition. The journal is available online with subscription via the website of Lawrence ErlbaumAssociates...
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