This Paranormal Investigations and Ghost Hunting Software is designed to easily track your entire investigation, manage evidence and print full reports and neatly store your findings for quick and easy access for future reference. This Paranormal Investigations and Ghost Hunting Software is simple and easy to use. To learn MORE about the Ghost Hunting Software, CLICK HERE.
Learn How to Write and Deliver a Great Eulogy
This simple, easy-to-use, step-by-step guide will help you easily write and deliver a great eulogy - to honour a special person's memory. If you have no time to lose, or are really stuck, create a personal, meaningful eulogy in just 30 minutes using the print-off-and-fill-in-the blanks templates, designed specially for this purpose.
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Learn How to Control People's Minds
Master Hypnotist reveals forbidden secret of how to control people's minds (without their knowledge) and make them obey covert commands during normal conversation. Click HERE to find out MORE...
Vinder Viper Story Years ago, a man inherited a house from his great uncle who died in the war. The house sat on a hill outside of town in the next state and rumors were told that it was haunted. The man traveled to the town to inspect the house and found that it was a wonderful old mansion in great condition, but very, very old. So, he decided to move in and enjoy his inheritance. A couple of weeks after he moved in, late at night, the phone rang. When he answered it, a voice said, "I am the Vinder Viper. I will be there in 2 weeks!" and then it hung up before he could say anything. This really shook the man. The next day, he searched the Internet under 'snakes' for 'vinder viper' but found nothing. A week passed with no concerns and again, late one night, the phone rang. "I am the Vinder Viper. I will be there in 1 week!" and hung up. This made the man quite nervous, not knowing what a vinder viper was. He asked around the town, and no one had ever heard of any such viper. Four days later, late at night, the phone rang. "I am the Vinder Viper. I will be there in 2 days!" The man is getting much more concerned now. The next night, the phone rang. "I am the Vinder Viper. I will be there tomorrow!" Needless to say, the man is just plain scared now. The next evening, the phone rang. "I am the Vinder Viper. I will be there in 1 hour!" The man tries to leave, but his car battery is dead. Nearly an hour later, the phone rang. "I am the Vinder Viper. I will be there in 2 minutes!" The man runs around locking all the windows and doors and calls 911. The police are on their way. Soon, there was a knock at the door. The man opened the door a crack and asked, "Is that the police?" "No, I am the vinder viper. I come every month to vipe your vindows." [‘Vinder Viper Story’, viewed 27 May 2008,].
A Ghost in Every House
Dreaming of succesfully hunting and sighting ghosts is one thing. Taking the steps to actually live that dream is another. You have your own reasons for wanting to search out ghosts and spirits. Perhaps you want to learn more about life after death. Perhaps you'd like to experience the thrill of your first paranormal encounter. Maybe you'd like to establish your own paranormal research or ghost hunting group to investigate purported hauntings in your area. Perhaps you're simply looking for a bit of extra excitement in your life. Or maybe you'd like to enjoy one or more of these benefits while helping others to better understand and deal with strange paranormal events that may be going on around them. Whatever your reasons, they're what make your situation and approach unique, and why you need real answers. You will get the tools and information necessary to help you find the best hauntings and the houses, graveyards, structures, roads and sites most likely to display ghost and spirit activity. To learn MORE about ghosts, spirits and ghost hunting, CLICK HERE.
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