An Example of English Teaching Philosophy Every teacher is a personality and has his or her own philosophy about teaching and learning. I spent my life travelling, studying, and teaching in such culturally diverse countries like China, Australia, Cyprus, Papua New Guinea, Lithuania, Denmark, Poland, Italy, UK, Russia, Germany, United States, Brazil, Thailand, Singapore, and a few more countries. I believe that travelling and working in culturally diverse environments is one of the most effective ways of shaping a personality. To read more, click HERE...
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Teaching Philosophy Statement I can teach anybody how to get what they want out of life. The problem is that I can't find anybody who can tell me what they want. - Mark Twain What is Philosophy of Teaching? A poor teacher complains, an average teacher explains, a good teacher teaches, a great teacher inspires. - H. Narasimhaiah A philosophy of teaching includes a teacher’s conception of teaching and learning and an explanation of how the teacher teaches. It also includes explanation why the teacher teaches in a certain way and outlines his/her basic teaching methodology. The philosophy of teaching demonstrates that the teacher has certain values and has been reflective about the quality of her/his teaching.
Do You Have a Philosophy of Teaching? Don't worry that children never listen to you. Worry that they are always watching you. - Robert Fulghum The interview seemed to be going along okay. Then the Director asked, "So what is your English teaching philosophy?" "My philosophy of teaching English?" The TEFL interviewee twisted in her seat, tugging at the collar of a blouse that was suddenly too tight. She felt water running down her back. A certain dampness coated her palms. "Yes. Do you have a philosophy of teaching?" the director repeated. The interview had taken a distinctive downturn. Top positions paying top dollars require top professionals. "Well, I'm not really sure what you mean," the teacher responded. "I can tell you what I do in my classes, what materials I use and how I interact with the students. Is that what you mean?" No, that's NOT what the Language Institute Director meant. The interview ended. So did the teacher's prospects at that high-level institution.
Write Your Teaching Philosophy Do not confine your children to your own learning for they were born in another time. - Old Hebrew Proverb There is no standard format or required content, therefore it is so challenging for most job applicants to write it. It is usually written either in prose or in question-answer format. Here are the basic features of writing a teaching philosophy: 1. Write in first person singular 2. Use present tense. e.g. I think, I teach, I believe, I know, I conduct research, etc. 3. Keep the audience in mind and use professional language 4. Include specific and colorful examples of your teaching strategies and learning environment 5. Illustrate by examples that you are committed to your career 6. Write about your own experiences and your own beliefs Your philosophy of teaching statement should reflect your personal values and the needs of your students.
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