Real speed reading is a method where you re-train your brain to break the old habits you were taught in third grade. Those reading methods were fine when you first learned to read and you needed to know the mechanics of reading. But now, those same methods only slow your reading down. You must learn a new way to visually take in words without that little voice in your head slowing you down. There is a deep satisfaction in being able to speed read and understand what you read. An automatic way of reading that becomes second nature and is much faster... To learn more about speed reading, click HERE...
Family Drama
Plunge deep into a surprising family drama that spans a century, connecting to the Civil War and the modern South through images, videos, and hyperlinks in an immediately accessible ebook Chickamauga Dreaming. It is a novel about surprising romance and social relationships, and it bridges specific events of the Civil War into modern times, reflecting how attitudes, perspectives, and traumas have the strength to survive more than a century. Click here to get the ebook.
There is a huge collection of fiction for extensive reading classes for ESL schools, individual students or teachers of various genres: adventure, comedy, detective, fantasy, haunting, horror, mystery, tragedy, science fiction, western, and other popular genres. To learn more, click HERE...
The book How to Make a Living as an Artist, written by Colin Ruffell, will show you a step by step process how to achieve the practical competence and inner confidence that are necessary to survive and succeed on your students' path to becoming full-time professional artists, and how to make their dreams come true. Recommend this book to your students. To learn more, click HERE...
Kids Activities
There is an easy-to-use preschool curriculum to make learning the ABC fun. It includes weekly preschool lesson plans, printable preschool worksheets, easy kids crafts, children’s stories, nursery rhymes, and more... To learn more, click HERE...
Kindle Publisher
You can automatically publish e-books as Kindle books by using reliable software. The software tool is a WordPress “Author” Theme that incorporates a book creation “Wizard”. This allows to create an e-book so that it’s 100% compatible with Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing program. Thus you can self-publish your e-books in minutes, rather than hours or even days. The “AuthorTheme” has an in-built e-book framework, so all you need to do is fill in the content. It will then format that content into a Kindle-ready e-book and arrange your book pages and chapters in the correct order. You will automatically publish those e-books as Kindle books. To learn more, click HERE...
Fiction for Extensive Reading Courses
There is a huge collection of fiction for extensive reading classes for ESL schools, individual students or teachers of various genres: adventure, comedy, detective, fantasy, haunting, horror, mystery, tragedy, science fiction, western, and other popular genres. To learn more, click HERE...
English Lessons
A non-native English speaker Robby Kukurs has worked out fluency and confidence maintenance system based on his own experience. The goal of his e-book English Harmony is to help non-native English speakers change their whole outlook on life and the way they perceive things when they speak English. To learn more, click HERE...
Basic Skills
Basic Skills provides high quality educational products to help you evaluate your students' academic progress and to prepare them for achievement testing. All products are shipped first class. To learn more, click HERE...
WhiteSmoke’s online English grammar checker is the best grammar checker software available for identifying and fixing grammar errors in texts. The grammar checker software will spot errors that most human readers would not catch. To learn more, click HERE...
The Unlimited Abundance Program will sharpen your money intuition so profoundly, that you’ll be able to make back your investment within just the first month. And from there on after, you’ll spend the rest of your life making accurate, confident and lucrative financial decisions, whether you decide to invest in property or the stock market, start a business, or even just save. To learn more, click HERE...
Vocabulary Learning
The fastest way to learn essential English vocabulary. Students will learn English vocabulary from the list of 5000 most common words and expressions by watching vocabulary videos at intermediate to advanced level. To learn more, click HERE...
The Encyclopedia
The Encyclopedia of Self-Improvement gives information of the top experts. You can get your hands on the greatest and most powerful self help resources. It contains more than five hundred most popular inspirational quotes on the web. To learn more, click HERE...
The Ultimate Preparedness Library
A comprehensive collection of resources for emergency preparedness, homesteading, and living a self-reliant lifestyle is available now. Find out what you might do in the event of economic collapse or hyperinflation, long-term depression, natural disaster, rogue attack, nuclear, chemical or biological fallout, political destabilization, organized gangs and criminals, and more. To learn more, click HERE...
Software for Academics
There is software available that automatically formats your paper, handles all necessary Word functions, automates citing references, and includes the most sophisticated input verification technology on the market. Whether you are writing a research paper, writing a dissertation or thesis, or simply creating a term paper, this software is the right choice for you. To learn more, click HERE...
How to Teach Reading Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. - Joseph Addison Many books, papers and dissertations have been written about various types of reading, as well as methods of teaching reading. We will not go into details but will briefly revise basic types of reading.
Education ... has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading. - George Macauley Trevelyan
In the academic environment we distinguish two basic types of reading, intensive and extensive. Let us briefly look at them separately.
What is Intensive Reading Intensive reading is reading carefully for an exact understanding of text. In practical life, acquired intensive reading skills are used for comprehension of contracts, business letters, memorandums, application forms and legal documents. Intensive reading courses equip students with basic reading strategies to enable them to achieve fluency and competence in the areas of vocabulary recognition and to develop critical thinking skills. The objectives of intensive reading courses are usually achieved through the following activities: 1. Using a variety of reading strategies for comprehension of English texts. 2. Identifying connections among ideas that involve examples, comparison/contrast, cause and effect. 3. Interacting with a variety of texts for different purposes. 4. Deducing meaning from context. 5. Identifying synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, multiple meanings of words. 6. Distinguishing fact from fiction. 7. Using inference. 8. Understanding the author’s purpose. 9. Distinguishing a variety of text types and genres. 10. Distinguishing facts from opinions. 11. Guessing and predicting the content of a text. 12. Skimming - quickly looking through a text to get an idea of what the text is about. 13. Scanning - locating specific information in a text, also in charts, diagrams, timetables, etc. 14. Developing dictionary usage skills. 15. Framing and answering questions.
There are many textbooks written to help ESL students improve their intensive reading skills and quite recently excellent software has been designed for this purpose. Also, there are many interesting supplementary materials. You will find usefulonline reading comprehension exercises for your students at various levels.
What is Extensive Reading
Extensive reading is reading a lot for pleasure at a fairly easy level with emphasis on general understanding so that whatever is read is comprehended without the use of a dictionary. Extensive reading courses increase language proficiency, especially reading level and speed.
The Basic Characteristics of Extensive Reading The following are the basic characteristics of extensive reading: 1. Students read as much as possible, usually out of the classroom. 2. The purposes of reading are usually related to pleasure and interest. 3. Students decide on what to read and have the liberty to discontinue reading if the material is not interesting. 4. Many materials on a wide range of topics are available. 5. Reading is outside class, individual, silent, at the student's own pace, conducted when and where the student chooses. 6. Students can choose abridged books; therefore, reading materials are within the linguistic competence of the students. 7. Dictionaries are hardly ever used while reading because the constant stopping to look up words and phrases makes fluent reading difficult and frustrating. 8. Reading speed is usually fast as students read the materials they find easily understandable and interesting; they become involved in reading. 9. Teachers guide and motivate their students: they explain the objectives and methodology and keep track of what each student reads. 10. There are usually few or no follow-up activities after reading.
Although, some teachers prepare questions for discussions. Extensive reading courses encourage students to take charge of their own reading development and produce independent readers who value reading as a life-long pursuit. The courses develop the habit of reading not just for information or to perform certain tasks but also for pleasure. It is very important to design a good extensive reading course outline (also called teaching and assessment plan) in order to make the whole course successful. See a sample outline here. The objectives of extensive reading courses are usually achieved through the following activities: 1. Self-selection of extensive reading of texts. 2. Using various strategies for comprehension and vocabulary recognition. 3. Maintaining a log with details of reading accomplished each week. 4. Summarizing weekly reading. 5. Establishing personally relevant reading goals. 6. Interacting with a variety of texts for different purposes. 7. Understanding author’s purpose. 8. Guessing and predicting content. 9. Comparing a variety of question types and narrations. While intensive reading skills are basically developed in class, extensive reading skills are basically developed outside the classroom. Extensive reading students usually select fiction, science fiction, newspapers, or whatever they are interested in. It is an ESL teacher’s job to help the students to select suitable books depending on their level. There are many original and abridged books for ESL students of different levels. Schools can order books via the Internet and in this way they can save a considerable amount of money.
How to Start an Extensive Reading Course The process of starting an extensive reading course can be broken into the following three basic areas of preparation: 1. Setting up an extensive reading library. 2. Teaching preparation. 3.Assessment. 1.Setting up the library involves ordering and organizing the books. Support for the Extensive Reading library may come from various sources: 1. The school. 2. Students buy their books and exchange with each other. 3. Students are charged a book fee. 4. Teachers pool their research funding. 5. Lottery – the funds are used for purchasing Extensive Reading books. 6. Fundraising. 7. Sponsorship from local private companies and public organisations.We would strongly recommend buying fiction (novels) for extensive reading. The books should be organized by levels in the library and should be easily found by the students. 2.Teaching preparation refers to steps that teachers will make to learn about extensive reading and to implement extensive reading in the classroom. One of the most important objectives of an extensive reading course is that the students enjoy reading. Therefore, special attention should be paid to student motivation. The teacher should design an outline of the Extensive Reading course (at least a week before the course starts) for the whole semester. The outline should include the following components: clear objectives, outcomes, week-by-week activities, basic requirements and the grading system. You will find a sample extensive reading outline if you click HERE. 3.Assessment basically includes the amount that a student has read. This amount should be specified in the course outline.
Computer Assisted Reading Instruction The level of popularity of computer based education may vary depending on a number of factors but hardly any qualified teacher would dispute the fact that computers have won a permanent position in most institutions worldwide, especially in the field of language teaching. Research studies indicate that Computer Based Learning - CBL (also: Computer Assisted Language Learning, or CALL) is effective for the development of a wide variety of language skills. The most common concerns of ESL teachers now have to do with the effectiveness of computer based education and with the suitability of the numerous possible roles computers can play in the teaching of English as a Second / Foreign language. Language learning software for self-study purposesis always available.
How to Integrate Computers into Teaching Reading Comprehension Here are a few helpful tips ESL students should have opportunities to perform the following activities: 1. Study whole, meaningful texts - large chunks of related text rather than bits and pieces of unrelated language fragments allow students to learn the language naturally and with a feeling. 2. Perform word recognition activities that stress the use of word meanings in conjunction with phonics and word structure. 3. Apply the skills being taught in meaningful and practical way; activities that reject the learner a chance to make use of the skills being acquired are only assessment tools and do little to advance the student's development. 4. Use materials within the range of the students’ conceptual development; the tasks should be challenging but not frustrating. 5. Discuss the purpose of the computer task or program as well as its nature; learners should be aware not only of what they are supposed to do but also of why doing it is important (foster active involvement and stimulate thinking). 6. Use activities that build in opportunities for students to make choices and test predictions help them learn to think and act on their own rather than merely react to someone else's thinking. 7. Monitor their own learning; tasks that offer students opportunities to self-check and correct their own errors support the development of independent learners. 8. Encounter a wide variety of text structures; a variety of narrative and expository structures should be provided. In this way computer instruction in reading will support and extend students' knowledge of text structures. 9. Experiment with text in creative ways to suit various purposes; give a chance for the students to reorganize information on the computer and apply information to specific genres. 10. Apply their reading strategies to all areas of the curriculum; make use of content from a wide range of subject areas such as programs related to science, social studies, and math require the use of strategies for reading comprehension. 11. Apply the computer in conjunction with other modes of instruction; the computer should not operate as a separate and isolated means of learning; its use should be integrated with that of books and other learning materials and tools. 12. Link reading and writing - create texts for sharing with others; in this way, revision and proofreading strategies will involve reading and writing skills.
13. Newspapers are a great way to practice your students’ extensive reading skills and enrich their vocabulary. Newspapers have the so-called 'real world English' (and the English that is used today) which is very different from classroom English.
Tips for Extensive Reading Students - Tell your Students 1. At first it may seem difficult; just keep going. Try audio books. 2. Look at the different parts of the text/chapter/newspaper; some sections will be easier than others. 3. Keep your dictionary on your desk and use it, also, use online dictionary or computer. 4. A vocabulary notepad will help to remember new words faster and easier.
Tips for Extensive Reading Teachers
1. If you have some free time, passion and drive, you can create extensive reading materials for your students. Here is a step-by-step process you need to follow if you want to abridge texts for your students. If you know your students' level, you can prepare excellent reading materials for your students. To go through a step-by-step process, click HERE...
3. If your school has enough funds to support an extensive reading program, buy books online at a reasonable price.To buy books online, click HERE...
What is Speed Reading
Real speed reading is a method where you re-train your brain to break the old habits you were taught in third grade. Those reading methods were fine when you first learned to read and you needed to know the mechanics of reading. But now, those same methods only slow your reading down. You must learn a new way to visually take in words without that little voice in your head slowing you down. There is a deep satisfaction in being able to speed read and understand what you read. An automatic way of reading that becomes second nature and is much faster... Read MORE...
Reading Games
Improve your students' reading skills by giving them an opportunity to play reading games and phonics games. Reading activities are simple to use and are engaging. Robot Reader gives children the core skills they need to be motivated, confident and successful readers. To learn more, click HERE...
Here is a step-by-step process you need to follow if you want to abridge texts for your extensive reading program, i.e. to make reading for learners of English as a second language easier. It can also be used for other purposes, such as paraphrasing and reducing or condensing a written text. To start, click HERE...
There was a man who inherited a house on a hill, out of town. Rumors were told that the house was haunted. To read more, click HERE...
English Harmony
A non-native English speaker Robby Kukurs has worked out fluency and confidence maintenance system based on his own experience. The goal of his e-book English Harmony is to help non-native English speakers change their whole outlook on life and the way they perceive things when they speak English. To learn more, click HERE...
To Open a Business
Learn how to take back your life, fire your boss, stay home with your children and make your family be proud of you. To learn more, click HERE...
Net Profit
Net Space Profits is a training center, software, and a unique suite of tools where businesses pay you every month and you have a very steady and reliable income. To learn more, click HERE...
Home Study Course
Get the tools and everything that you need in order to do it for yourself. The workbook and the DVD have been put together to show you how and why the Automated Income Stream System has evolved into such a powerful money-getting system. To learn more, click HERE...
Online Income
Discover the fastest way to get income from the Internet even if you have little or no experience, no website and no product. This is the fastest and easiest way to financial freedom. To read more, click HERE...
Video Course
Build a successful online business that will change your life. This video course will break down the entire 'roadmap' of how you can make money online. It is for those who want to learn how to make money on the internet and who are not afraid of putting in some time to learn. You can start full-time living online from now on. To start, click HERE...
Marketing Solutions
Gfx-1 can create professionally designed images for you that will enhance your product or website more than you could possibly imagine. Gfx-1 can design for you a custom mini-site template ready for you to insert your product and sell from it, so you can start earning serious money. To learn more, click HERE...
This is a work from NO HOME system because you can work on the beach, on the road, in a coffee shop or in your hotel room. And because you work from the comfort of your laptop, you can kiss those long commutes and massive traffic jams to work goodbye. To watch video, click HERE...
You don't have to sell anything. You don't have to write a single word. You don't have to learn any tech skills. You don't have invest a lot of cash. With Clickbank Pirate you get everything you need - you don't have to pay for hosting, link cloakers, writers, etc. If you can turn on a computer, check your emails and browse the internet, then you know everything you need to make money with this system. To learn more, click HERE...
Start a Day Care Center
The Starting a Day Care Center Start-Up Guide Kit is a step-by-step guide which provides you a complete business package to help you easily and quickly start your own profitable home-based day care business. To learn more, click HERE...
Take Charge of Your Life
You will get free step-by-step details how to make $1,500+ each week for two hours of work per day from the comfort of your home. To learn more, click HERE...
Teaching Strategies
Discover the simple way to teach your students about money and enable them to become successful business people in the future. Get step-by-step age specific money lessons. You will get access to step-by-step lessons, tools, resources and expert advice right at your fingertips. To learn more, click HERE...
Writer Software
StoryCraft is more than just a writing tool. It is also a sophisticated complete course in writing that utilizes the Jarvis Method, i.e. the most reliable system of fiction writing. StoryCraft is a story-processing program - designed specifically for writing stories. To find out more, click HERE...
Reliable English Teaching and Research Resources: Textbooks, Software, Dictionaries, and more...
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